Where Memorization
is Meditation

Where Memorization
is Meditation



Who I am in Christ


Fear and Anxiety



Most Christians recognize the value of memorizing scripture. Renewing our mind with the word is an important part of being equipped for ministry and the daily challenges of life.  But many believers start to memorize verses only to give up because it’s too much work.  One of the goals of Anchor Points is to help you overcome that problem by using a “memory friendly” approach. We incorporate many of the features that make it possible for you to sing along with a song you haven’t heard in years.  You will be surprised at how easy it is to memorize scripture using the Anchor Points method!  With the transforming word “hidden in your heart”, you will soon discover how effectively the right scripture comes to you at the right moment.  By memorizing scripture you are storing up a reservoir of truth which becomes the raw material the Holy Spirit uses to direct your steps.  That’s what the Bible calls being “equipped.”




Crowded schedules, can’t slow down, minds that won’t quit. Too much information is the default head space for way too many of us.  But more knowledge doesn’t always make us more productive.  Too often, we feel frustrated, empty and adrift in an ocean of meaninglessness.  We need an anchor.  The Word of God is that anchor.  When we meditate on scripture we exchange our thoughts for God’s thoughts.  Memorization puts the Word into our head, but scripture meditation plants it in our hearts.  The one who meditates on the word is compared to a tree that sends its roots down deep, much deeper than the ever-changing whims of human wisdom.  In the fertile soil of the heart, the word grows and thrives and produces fruit in great abundance, fruit that will remain. If you want to be fruitful, meditate on God’s Word!  Anchor Points will show you just how easy that can be.


Ministry? Me? Yes, according to the Bible every believer is created for good works in Christ. That’s ministry and its part of the blueprint God created for you!  When you memorize and meditate on scripture, you gain a greater confidence in using the word in real life situations.  A natural outgrowth of this is an increased desire to minister to others.  Anchor Points wants to help by presenting the scriptures in easily accessible categories perfect for addressing specific issues.  Whether you are working on issues of your own, or ministering to the needs of others, Anchor Points helps equip you for this by giving you ready access to the life changing Word of God.  As you learn to apply the truths of scripture under the leading of the Holy Spirit your life and ministry will become increasingly more fruitful. And nothing compares with knowing that you are living life closely aligned to God’s blueprint.  That’s being fulfilled in Christ!



Most Christians recognize the value of memorizing scripture. Renewing our mind with the word is an important part of being equipped for ministry and the daily challenges of life.  But many believers start to memorize verses only to give up because it’s too much work.  One of the goals of Anchor Points is to help you overcome that problem by using a “memory friendly” approach. We incorporate many of the features that make it possible for you to sing along with a song you haven’t heard in years.  You will be surprised at how easy it is to memorize scripture using the Anchor Points method!  With the transforming word “hidden in your heart”, you will soon discover how effectively the right scripture comes to you at the right moment.  By memorizing scripture you are storing up a reservoir of truth which becomes the raw material the Holy Spirit uses to direct your steps.  That’s what the Bible calls being “equipped.”



Crowded schedules, can’t slow down, minds that won’t quit. Too much information is the default head space for way too many of us.  But more knowledge doesn’t always make us more productive.  Too often, we feel frustrated, empty and adrift in an ocean of meaninglessness.  We need an anchor.  The Word of God is that anchor.  When we meditate on scripture we exchange our thoughts for God’s thoughts.  Memorization puts the Word into our head, but scripture meditation plants it in our hearts.  The one who meditates on the word is compared to a tree that sends its roots down deep, much deeper than the ever-changing whims of human wisdom.  In the fertile soil of the heart, the word grows and thrives and produces fruit in great abundance, fruit that will remain. If you want to be fruitful, meditate on God’s Word!  Anchor Points will show you just how easy that can be.



Ministry? Me? Yes, according to the Bible every believer is created for good works in Christ. That’s ministry and its part of the blueprint God created for you!  When you memorize and meditate on scripture, you gain a greater confidence in using the word in real life situations.  A natural outgrowth of this is an increased desire to minister to others.  Anchor Points wants to help by presenting the scriptures in easily accessible categories perfect for addressing specific issues.  Whether you are working on issues of your own, or ministering to the needs of others, Anchor Points helps equip you for this by giving you ready access to the life changing Word of God.  As you learn to apply the truths of scripture under the leading of the Holy Spirit your life and ministry will become increasingly more fruitful. And nothing compares with knowing that you are living life closely aligned to God’s blueprint.  That’s being fulfilled in Christ!






The Christian life has been compared to climbing a mountain.  In mountaineering, a rope affixed to an anchor is often used to assist in the ascent or to break a fall.  In our own spiritual journey, we face many challenges, some of which are beyond our ability to overcome.  Like a climber alone on the face of a sheer wall of stone, we need an anchor.  The Word of God can be that anchor.   

Anchor Points Meditations strives to bring the scriptures to life in a real and easily accessible way. With this system, you don’t need a mountain top, or a quiet sanctuary, although it works great in all those places too.  Anchor Points scriptures are meditations for real life.  They are compact, portable and ready to use 24/7.  Because each scripture is itself anchored to a metered pulse, this system lends itself to countless rhythms that you may encounter in your daily routines. 

It is the goal of Anchor Points to help believers anchor themselves to the rock solid foundation of scripture. As a climber relies on anchors firmly fixed in the rock, so we too must get to the place where we are not afraid to put all our weight down on the Word of God.  Our faith grows as we learn to trust God’s Word, and the climb doesn’t seem so difficult.  Anchor Points wants to help you scale your mountain. Get ready for the climb of your life!